The Starlust Motel is opening tonight at 11pm SLT. People are busy setting out freebies, and Dollarbies for the stream of people we expect to meander through, And in all, just making sure everything is as it should be. Be sure -you- don't miss out on this roarin' good time. There will be discounted items (only for the opening), a Pool to lounge in, Beds to jump on, Televisions to watch (if you're into that), And designers to meet.
On Sunday evening, there will also be a formal party, where all the designers will be, in some way shape or form, present to chat with everyone. Should I mention that the elusive Toast Bard, of Fashionably Dead Fame, is slated to be present as well, in all her glory? I can only half heartedly promise that she probably, most likely, won't be wearing a strap on, so you're in luck! Get your butts down there tonight, and Sunday, and see what we've all been up to for the last month.