Saturday, August 2, 2008


I would like to note, for those of you not inclined to play with tiny prims, that it is a serious pain in the ass. That being said, I'm -finally- ready to release my new favorite necklace. It's Mod/Copy, Circles, within Rings, held together by more rings, on a strap. 4th time is apparently the charm. It should be noted that it comes small, but should stretch easily for anyone (me) who needs to make it bigger to fit them properly. Also, If you happen to have a plus Sized Avie Normally (like me), and find you can't get this to stretch to fit properly, Drop me a notecard, and I will send you a mod/copy version of the -first- version of this I made... which I didn't realize until I was ready to box it, wouldn't shrink.

Now that all of -that- is done... You can find this on Lloyd, in my mainstore.

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